Though "Contagion" spends less time on the front lines of its dastardly epidemic than with the problem solvers, scapegoats and profiteers working tirelessly behind the scenes. As the head of the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Ellis Cheever (Laurence Fishburne) struggles to identify the virus and ready a vaccination. Pretty soon he's the focus of vilification by the government and media for not responding quick enough. (Hell, ya gotta blame somebody). Dr. Mears (Kate Winslet), a prevention specialist, fights to halt the spread of the disease in the U.S. while Dr. Orantes (Marion Cotillard), an epidemiologist, travels to China to investigate the source of the virus. Making trouble in the shadows is high profile blogger Alan Krumwiede (Jude Law) -- a muckraker in cahoots with a cash-grabbing pharmaceutical company. His online rants make for incendiary panic fuel.
Here's the problem: the film plays out as an extremely well produced dramatization, but where's the drama? The movie's everyman nucleus is Mitch Emhoff (Matt Damon), the poor schlub whose two-timin' wife (Gwenyth Paltrow) brings the first bug home from a business trip in Hong Kong. He goes missing from the story for long stints; all the characters are mostly skin deep. What's most intriguing is that, more than any other film I've scene, "Contagion" showers the viewer with statistics, numbers: number of days since outbreak, incubation periods, spread rates, vaccine sample numbers, mortality rates and population sizes. At one point we learn that 25 million people have died. Soderbergh never makes us feel the weight of that loss. There are traces of humanity to be found within the movie. At one point, a dying doctor, on her last ounce of strength, can't quite hand a jacket to a freezing patient. Emhoff puts on an adorable mock prom for his house-arrested teenage daughter. But the populations of "Contagion" don't feel like people. They feel more like numbers.
Yeah - I agree. I was kind of torn. I thought it was beautiful (something weird to say re: a film about a worldwide epidemic) but very sterile. Almost like news coverage - fairly heartless and academic. Maybe that was the point but would have liked to care about characters more.